White House Briefing on the Iranian Situation and United States Energy Conservation
Part two
Carter begins this part of the recording by answering questions from the governors. Governor Bowen wants to see increased production to go with conservation and also vows to implement emergency conservation measures once a shortfall actually occurs. Governor Lamm hopes that the Energy Partnership Management Act is passed; Duncan hopes it will be passed the following year. Carter then addresses the possibility of a food embargo against Iran and also assures William Janklow of South Dakota that energy problems will not become a part of the politics of the upcoming election year. He also asserts that food producers will not be affected by any rationing plan. Another speaker thinks Carter should address the nation directly with his plans and a call for support. Carter feels that if each American does a little bit, it will be relatively easy to handle a possible energy crisis. After Carter is finished, Deputy Secretary of Energy John Sawhill describes three actions. He talks about managing a shortage and creating conservation plans on a state-by-state basis; he also addresses expanding production of domestic sources and promoting alternative energy sources. The recording ends with a question-and-answer session.

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