Papers and Presentations

Goldman, Jerry with Mark Kornbluh and Dean Rehberger, "The Problems of Ingesting and Delivering Complex Objects from Digital Repositories," Workshop on Multimedia Contents in Digital Libraries, Chania, Crete, June 2003.

Goldman, Jerry with Anne Longmuir, "Supporting Student Learning through Use of a Digital Repository," Alt Surf Spring Conference and research Seminar, 22nd April 2004.

Kornbluh, Mark. "'Envisaging the Future:' Building Multimedia Digital Repositories For Long-Term Preservation, Access, and Use," "Envisaging the Future": Digital Research and scholarship in the Humanities Conference, The Australian National University, 2003.

Kornbluh, Mark, with Dean Rehberger and Michael Fegan, "The Challenge of Building Complex Objects from Digital Repositories," CNI Taskforce Briefing, Washington, DC, April 2003.

Kornbluh, Mark . "Building Multimedia Repositories for the Future," OCLC Institute Symposium, "Growing the Digital Library," Annual Meeting of the American Library Association, January 2003.

Kornbluh, Mark, Michael Fegan and Dean Rehberger, "Media Matrix: Using the Media of Digital Libraries," ECDL, University of Bath, U.K., September 12-17, 2004. (submitted).

Longmuir, Anne. "The Spoken Word: New Resources to Transform Teaching and Learning." D-Lib. 10.3 (2004).

Longmuir, Ann., "The Spoken Word Project: Using BBC Digital Audio Archives online for Teaching", Radio Studies Network, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, 20th May 2004.

Longmuir, Anne. "The Spoken Word". Viewfinder. Forthcoming.

Longmuir, Anne. "The Spoken Word Project". E-learning@gcal. April 2004. 35.

Software Development

Northwestern University has developed an audio annotation client as part of a large suite of annotation tools to use with all media types. ProjectPad will be distributed under an open-source GPL license beginning in March 2004.

MATRIX researchers at MSU have developed Media Matrix 1.0 - an online, easy to use server side suite of tools that allows users to find, segment, annotate, organize, and publish streaming media found on the Internet. This application provides users with an environment not only to work with and personalize digital media, but to share and discuss their findings with a community of users. The utility of the application also extends to digital libraries: they can utilize usage statistics and user generated materials/metadata to supplement traditional cataloging records and applications.